hehehehehe! It's my name! So anyway, if one more NON GIANT fan who doesn't even care about football, says ONE MORE WORD to me about the game, they better run for the hills! I HATE these people who only wanted the Patriots to lose because they didn't want to see them get a perfect record. WHY NOT? HATERS!
I laughed out loud at the tags on your post. "Major suckage."
Next year. :)
It's me. The one who can't remember her blog thingie name. I cannot even talk about last night! Major depression here in MA.
hehehehehe! It's my name!
So anyway, if one more NON GIANT fan who doesn't even care about football, says ONE MORE WORD to me about the game, they better run for the hills! I HATE these people who only wanted the Patriots to lose because they didn't want to see them get a perfect record. WHY NOT? HATERS!
Can I say BASTARDS on here? That's what those people are!
Lea, how much swearing can a bag get away with on here? LMFAO!
Bag, this constitutes a plethora of swearing.
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